COVID-19 Update (01/13/2021) *NEW END DATE*

Update to COVID Policies and Procedures from most recent announcement.
January 13, 2021

As the owners of Pipestone Indoor Country Club, during these unique and challenging times our primary objective is to be a leading example of keeping customers safe. Our secondary objective is to be an example of how a business can continue to operate during a pandemic while abiding by government restrictions. With these stated objectives, it is very important for our customers to understand that our current policies/practices are not designed to circumvent the guidelines provided by the state in any capacity. In fact, they are designed to do quite the opposite and are truly intended to allow us to have a record of individuals using our facility for contact tracing and are designed with trust that our valued customers are honestly representing their same household eligibility.

We want to operate normally, and believe the fastest way to get to that point is by doing our part to reduce new infections.

The following are the current and new facility restrictions regarding coronavirus that will be in effect until we receive an update on or prior to Monday, February 22nd:

We will remain open with the following requirements:

- Masks on

- Temp Checks at the door

- 15 minute buffers between appointments to allow for disinfection of surfaces

- Appointment start times staggered to reduce lobby interaction

- NEW Up to six customers of the same household allowed per suite. (Exactly as it sounds. Working together, traveling together, etc. IS NOT going to receive additional consideration)

a. If we have more than two golfers in a suite from the same household, we will require and keep on file an acknowledgement form signed by customers indicating they are from the same household.

- NEW No more than two customers per suite if from separate households.

a. This does not mean you can have three from the same household and one from another household, our rooms do not allow for adequate social distancing.

b. The two customers of separate households must remain in separate halves of the suite, marked by a line on the floor, with the exception of when they are taking their shot. You are expected to maintain 6ft of distance at all times.

- NEW We ask that customers who have travelled or participated in large gatherings please wait two weeks before entering our facility.

- Suites sanitized after each use

We are excited to continue to be able to operate, within the restrictions, and look forward to serving our customers in safe and responsible ways. Please work with us in our efforts to not only showcase how businesses can continue to operate during a pandemic, but also be an example of how a business can do so with a priority placed on customer and community safety above revenue. If you’re unable to or unwilling to honor these restrictions, we ask that you please wait to return until all government restrictions are lifted.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone that we feel is either being dishonest about their same household eligibility or unwilling to follow any of the other guidelines listed prior.

January 13, 2021

come visit!